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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

June 6, 2009 - AudioKnob @ The Remote Festival Cirkus Bar, Geneva, Switzerland!!!

AudioKnob will be performing live at the Remote Festival which will be held at Geneva, Switzerland's Cirkus Bar on June 6, 2009

You are invited to see AudioKnob in action at 01:00 (Turkey Time Zone), live at Aksak Lounge, Izmir, Turkey ; or by streaming at Cirkus Bar, Geneva ; or by visiting Cirkus Bar's website at !!!


AudioKnob Isvicre'nin Cenevre kentinde yapIlacak olan Remote Festival kapsamInda 6 Haziran 2009 Cumartesi gecesi Izmir Aksak Lounge canlI yayIn ile karsInIzda...

AudioKnob'un performansInI 6 Haziran Cumartesi gunu Izmir Aksak Lounge'da, veya internet uzerinden canlI yayIn ile Cenevre'deki Cirkus Bar'da, ya da Cirkus Bar'In internet sitesinde canlI olarak Turkiye saati ile saat 01:00'de izlemek icin davetlisiniz!!!